One simple mod to add to your MS to make them look more realistic is rivets. Rivets can break the bland look of large flat surfaces and they look even better when dry-brushed over. You can purchase some from Wave, but those are pretty large. To make your own, you will need:
- Styrene rod (the thinner the better... I use one 0.6mm in diameter)
- Liquid Cement
- Sharp hobby knife (a new blade is a good idea)
- Pencil (optional)
- Sandpaper (optional)
- Use the pencil and mark down where you want your rivets to be. Check out pictures on the net if you need references. Normally I put mine about 1-2mm from the edges or 'armor plates'. Skip this step if you think you can tell exactly where to put your rivets without markings.
- Use the sharp hobby knife to carefully cut off a small section of the styrene rod - about 0.5mm in length or less. This will take some practice, but it's not too difficult. Try to ensure a good cut that gives you a right-angled edge.
- Use the tip of your blade and just press very gently onto one of the flat surfaces of the little piece you've cut off. The blade will 'pick' up the little rivet.
- Using the brush applicator of your liquid cement bottle, just touch the other flat surface of the rivet to apply some glue.
- Touch the glued surface of the rivet to the marked spot on your model. The glue will stick the rivet in place.
- Allow the glue to dry and then you can use sandpaper to lightly sand down the rivet - this is good if your rivets are all of visibly different lengths or if some of the cuts were not very straight.
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